Astrology Consultations

astrology consultations + chart readings


    Birth chart readings offer insights to the astral-blueprint of who you are. This reading looks at the alignments at the moment of your birth, as well as progressions and current transits affecting your chart.


    Relationship charts can be useful to gain deeper understanding of partners, parents, colleagues, and friends. This reading compares the unique attributes of individual charts and how they may interact.


    Moving to a new city? Getting married? Before setting plans on your next big commitment, see what the stars have to say! It may save you a headache or confirm you are heading in the right direction.


astrology is a way of looking at the planetary dynamics and how they shift over time. your reading will consider the current collective astrological elements, and compare this to your unique, individual evolution.

the art of reading astrology is to see a reflection of personal traits within the stars. this helps in the discovery of a clearer vision of oneself and, offers guided assurance towards goals and desires.


  • earth is an object moving in space. most know it spins on an axis and orbits the sun. each day the earth moves into a new and unique position relating to the stars in our solar system.

    like earth, other planets are moving in space turning and orbiting our sun. their kinetic force, along with the blend of energy from their aspect to other moving forces, affects the energy of earth and its inhabitants.

    by associating certain qualities with each, reading the stars becomes similar to reading a room of people: take an athlete, an artist, a judge, a mother, etc. the dynamic of energy here would be a mix of positive and disruptive expressions of personality.

    each planet represents a personality. reading the positions and the force of each is like reading a cosmic storyline reflecting individuals and the collective.

  • Natal Chart / Birth Chart

    a natal chart is a map of the star placements at the time of birth.

    Progressed Chart

    a technique of aging the chart to show the evolution of the personality and current life stage.

    Transit Chart

    a map of the current star placements

    Relationship Synastry

    charts composed to provide insights as to how a blending of energy might work in various relationship types.

    Return Charts

    Solar Return Charts - annual charts that give insights to your core focus and theme for the year

    Lunar Return Charts - monthly subconscious themes

    Venus Return Charts - annual charts that give insights to love and financial matters, as well as creative pursuits

  • Each year will mark a series of new alignments and events in your life. Having annual astrology readings can help you stay up to date and feel prepared to ride the waves of energy provided by the transits and progressions of the planets.